B2B Marketing
Als kennzahlengesteuerte Performance Marketer konzentrieren wir uns auf deine Pipeline und deinen Umsatz. Wir entwickeln Strategien für lange B2B-Verkaufszyklen und komplexe Customer Journeys.
Wir sind das ehemalige Team von BizMut, jetzt unter dem Dach von Front Row als ganzheitlicher Partner für deinen Markterfolg vereint.
Als Spezialisten für B2B-Performance-Marketing analysieren wir Daten tiefgehend und entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Full-Funnel-Marketingkampagnen, die handfeste Ergebnisse liefern und den ROI maximieren.
6-fache Steigerung des Lead Volumens bei gleichbleibenden Medienkosten
Unser initiales Ziel für einen unserer B2B Kunden: Eine deutliche Steigerung des Lead Volumens, ohne das Budget signifikant zu steigern. Das Ergebnis: eine Erhöhung des Lead Volumens um den Faktor 6 - bei konstant bleibenden Medienkosten.
Bei Markteintritt: Markensichtbarkeit und Nachfrage schaffen
Für unseren Kunden führten wir Awareness-Kampagnen in drei Regionen (USA, Großbritannien und Deutschland) durch. Das Ziel: Sichtbarkeit zum Markteintritt schaffen und das Interesse kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen wecken. Die Erstellung eines umfassenden Medienplans, die Festlegung von KPIs und die Optimierung der Werbeausgaben über multiple Kanäle hinweg waren nur einige der Faktoren, die zum Erfolg der Kampagne führten.
Skalierbares Wachstum mit serverseitigem Tracking und "Value Based Bidding" erreichen
Wir standen vor der Herausforderung, die User Journeys in der Web-App unseres Kunden anonym und ohne Pixel-Tracking verfolgen können. Das Ziel war, den gesamten Nutzerfunnel zu mappen und durch Value Based Bidding unsere Kampagnen zu optimieren und zu skalieren.

I have worked with [Front Row's Digital Marketing B2B division] on several campaigns and enjoyed it very much. They are a great partner in developing a campaign strategy and executing them. Most importantly: They are always up to date with recent marketing developments and are brave enough to point things out when they are not working or have not performed as expected (many other agencies try to sell anything; hoping that their clients will not see through it). This is why I trust their recommendations and have not been disappointed yet. Looking forward to working on many more campaigns in the future.
[Front Row's Digital Marketing B2B division] is our go to partner and first choice for exceptional marketing campaign planning and execution. We work together primarily in the context of paid online-advertising, but it doesn't stop there. We always try to look at the bigger picture together and have had some great successes. I would highly recommend [Front Row's Digital Marketing B2B division] to anyone who wants to build a professional online advertising machine that generates results fast.
Thank you for the best-in-class support and management you've provided us. While [Front Row's Digital Marketing B2B division] approach is unique and extremely effective for us, it is the talent and attention of the team under Niall that has made the difference on our campaigns. I am looking forward to see how our partnership continues to evolve. Cheers!
Had several really enlightening conversations with Bjoern Sjut! He understands performance marketing extremely well across the board, not just a few channels, and he can help you think analytically about your ideal marketing strategy, based on his vast experience.
Strong expertise and highly relevant experience in data-driven marketing and decision-making. Always a pleasure to exchange thoughts with these guys.
Resourceful, customer- and solution-oriented, we could not be more satisfied with the support and guidance that [Front Row's Digital Marketing B2B division] provides to us on a daily basis. They were an integral part of our CRM transition from Salesforce to HubSpot. Moreover, during the whole process they helped us set up operational CRM features that we were not able to explore (or even consider) internally to improve our processes and output.
The team from [Front Row's Digital Marketing B2B division] has been supporting us in the area of B2B Performance Marketing for over a year now and has become a staple in our marketing team. Since working with them we have made massive progress in the establishment of our B2B sales funnel. From the strategic consultations to operational campaign management to reporting, [Front Row's Digital Marketing B2B division] has been a huge help. Personally, I value their experience, efficiency and quality as a sparring partner.
Unsere Spezialisten und Spezialistinnen für digitales B2B-Marketing bringen eine Fülle an Branchenerfahrung und Expertenwissen mit. Sie arbeiten direkt mit dir zusammen, um die richtige Kombination aus digitalen Marketingkanälen und -Funnels, Awareness, Demand Generation, Lead Capture, ABM oder Social Selling zu finden. Ihr Lieblingssatz: "Zeig uns die Daten".
Als Individuum sind wir stark. Gemeinsam sind wir stärker und dynamischer. Wir bewegen uns mit der Geschwindigkeit des (digitalen) Handels, um neue Wachstumschancen zu erschließen.